Humor matematyków

Humor matematyków

Just imagine if they moved that decimal point!

0 comments humorInformatyczny akerro 0

Notatki Ballmera

przed konferencją [by akerro]

0 comments humorInformatyczny szarak 0

Gnu/Linux - unifikacja loga

Wreszcie rozwiązano ten problem

preview 0 comments humorInformatyczny szarak 0

Are there any worse sorting algorithms than Bogosort (a.k.a Monkey Sort)? [ENG]

Are there any named algorithms that have worse average performance than O(n·n!)? Or are just sillier than Monkey Sort in general?

0 comments humorInformatyczny akerro 0

Mocne strony PHP
Javascript reserved...

Javascript reserved keywords poem

Let this long package float, Goto private class if short.

0 comments humorInformatyczny akerro 0