What is HTTP 2.0 and...

What is HTTP 2.0 and How to Enable It on Chrome and Firefox

Based on Google's SPDY protocol, HTTP 2.0 is not far from improving the current HTTP protocol with improved speed, compression and security.

1 comment webdev akerro geekswipe.net 0

Spis znaczników html...

Spis znaczników html 5

Kurs HTML i CSS - poradnik webmastera. Znaczniki HTML

0 comments webdev only_spam helion.pl 0

Fred's ImageMagick Scripts

Fred's ImageMagick Scripts

0 comments webdev only_spam fmwconcepts.com 0


The Responsinator is designed to test responsive websites on different device resolutions

3 comments webdev only_spam responsinator.com 0

Interaktywna mapa pokazująca kiedy która przeglądarka implementowała dany standard

Zaskoczyłem się, że nawet Safari wyprzedza Chrome

1 comment webdev akerro evolutionofweb.appspot.com 0

Możliwości pliku SVG

Animacja, wątki, delay...

1 comment webdev akerro wikimedia.org 1

Introducing TranslationTester and localization support for Open Web Apps

When building Open Web Apps, one important factor is to make your content available to as many possible, and one way to do that is ...

0 comments webdev akerro mozilla.org 0

CSS Hyphen

0 comments webdev kalmanawardze css-tricks.com 1

Node.js - jak zacząć

Node.js - jak zacząć

Dobry tutorial pokazujący absolutne podstawy Node.js

0 comments webdev wykopki codeship.io 0

12 Best Online HTML5...

12 Best Online HTML5 Tools Designers Should Know

Online Tools always helps you to make your project simple & easy with the help of advance features and functionalities. Over the internet, number of online tools that cover all the features whi...

0 comments webdev grzegorz_brzeczyszczykiewicz designzum.com 0

Editable box model, multiple selection, Sublime Text keys + much more – Firefox Developer Tools Episode 31

A new set of the Firefox Developer Tools features has just been uplifted to the Aurora channel. These features are available right now in Aurora, ...

4 comments webdev akerro mozilla.org 3

ExpressionEngine - S...

ExpressionEngine - Schemat struktury URL

Schemat pokazuje w jaki sposób EE wybiera jakich szablonów użyć i jaki ma to związek z URL

preview 0 comments webdev borysses jamessmith.co.uk 0

To slash or not to s...

To slash or not to slash?

0 comments webdev akerro googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.co.uk 0

75 Essential Cheat Sheets for Designers and Programmers

Programming is not an easy job, and requires a lot of concentration and expert reference. You might get struck anytime, anywhere in the code, where you can’t work out the things, but need to finish

0 comments webdev akerro designzum.com 0

Emmet czyli zen coding dla sublime text

Opis jak zainstalować chyba zbyteczny.

12 comments webdev baseband5 emmet.io 0

Introducing the getBoxQuads API

Web developers often need to determine where an element has been placed in the page, or more generally, where it is relative to another element. ...

0 comments webdev akerro mozilla.org 0