1982 - A Federal appeals court has ruled that the National Security Agency may lawfully intercept messages between United States

citizens and people overseas even if there is no cause to believe they Americans are foreign agents, and then provide summaries of these messages to the Federal Bureau of Investigation

0 comments WyciekiNSA akerro mega.nu 0

Why is the Ukraine s...

Why is the Ukraine so divided?

Imgur is home to the web's most popular image content, curated in real time by a dedicated community through commenting, voting and sharing.

0 comments Ukraina akerro imgur.com 0

AT&T Archives: Genes...

AT&T Archives: Genesis of the Transistor

To see more from from the AT&T Archives, visit http://techchannel.att.com/archives In the late 1940s, Bell Laboratories scientists John Bardeen, Walter Bratt...

preview 0 comments nerd akerro youtube.com 0

Sales for Hackers -...

Sales for Hackers - Stormpath User Management API

Just like everyone should learn to program, everyone should learn to sell.

0 comments Programujmy akerro stormpath.com 0

Czym są portfele onl...

Czym są portfele online, offline, hardwarowe?

Portfele online nie są bezpieczną metodą przechowywania swoich oszczędności w kryptowalutach. Polecaną bezpieczną metodą są portfele offline, artykuł wyróżnia ich rodzaje.

0 comments Bitcoin akerro agilob.net 0

Direct3D to OpenGL a...

Direct3D to OpenGL abstraction layer converter

Konwerter Direct3D to OGL, pomoże firmom przepisać swoje programy by działały natywnie na Linux?

5 comments opensource akerro github.com 0

Skype na androidzie...

Skype na androidzie doprowadza do większego zużycia baterii

bo zamiast się wyłączyć przechodził w tło i używał kamery kiedy chciał.

5 comments Android akerro zdnet.com 2

1978/79 - American Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act is a law that permits secret buggings and wiretaps of individuals

suspected of being agents of a hostile foreign government or international terrorist organization.

0 comments WyciekiNSA akerro archives.gov 2

1976 - Duncan Campbell published an article in Time Out - "The Eavesdroppers" which was a description of GCHQ

Duncan Campbell published an article in Time Out called "The Eavesdroppers" which was a description of what GCHQ was and did. From that time on Campbell published many articles concerning illiegal communication interception done by the secret services.

0 comments WyciekiNSA akerro wikipedia.org 1