
@zskk http://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/2014-11/20/tor-still-secure

In laboratory tests the experiment was 100 percent accurate, falling to 81.4 percent in real-world experiments. Tor project leader Roger Dingledine said the six percent false positive rate made the attack "effectively useless", adding that academic research into traffic analysis on the network was still hugely important.

"Firstly, they [the media] have blow it a bit out of proportion by saying that '81 percent of Tor traffic', which is not true. It was only 81.4 percent of our experiments, and we have spoken about this upfront in our paper," he explained.

Czytaj dalej niebezpiecznika ;)



Czytaj dalej niebezpiecznika ;)

Nawet na niebezpieczniku nie pisali, ze tor gówno i złamany, tak jak to @zskk wszędzie próbuje sugerować.


@akerro: @Kuraito: ja tylko mówie, ze jest wystarczająco wątpliwy, zeby mu zaufac.
