"Once the punch lands on target, Lee pulls back almost immediately. Rose explains that this shortens the impact time of his blow, which compresses the force and makes it all the more powerful. "
sure, sure, szybkie cofnięcie ręki po uderzeniu wzmacnia samo uderzenie...
"Once the punch lands on target, Lee pulls back almost immediately. Rose explains that this shortens the impact time of his blow, which compresses the force and makes it all the more powerful. "
sure, sure, szybkie cofnięcie ręki po uderzeniu wzmacnia samo uderzenie...
@Karramba: Tez zwrocilem na to uwage - to musi byc jakies przeklamanie / uproszczenie w tlumaczeniu z 'naukowego' na angielski.
@wykopki: Dlatego to jest "Popular" Mechanics:) Jeśli dochodziło do ruchu powrotnego, to raczej w wyniku odbicia, sprężystości ciała ofiary.