Szyfry GSM:
- A5/1 - The current standard for U.S. and European networks. A5/1 is a stream cipher.<BR
- A5/2 - The deliberately weakened version of A5/1 that is intended for export to non-western countries. A5/2 is a stream cipher.
- A5/3 - A newly developed algorithm not yet in full use. A5/3 is a block cipher.
Punkt 2. bardzo ładnie pokazuje, że przy pracach nad bezpieczeństwem GSM służb miały swój wkład.
A5/2 - The deliberately weakened version of A5/1 that is intended for export to non-western countries. A5/2 is a stream cipher.
Reklama kontekstowa:
//niebezpiecznik pisze o 64 bitowym A5/1, który tak naprawdę jest 54 bitowy, bo reszta to zera. Więc A5/2 został jeszcze bardziej skrócony?
@Writer: masz kod źródłowy A5/2, komercyjne używanie A5/2 jest zakazane przez 3GPP w Europie i Ameryce.
The "voice privacy" algorithm A5/2 proved especially weak. Which perhaps should come as no surprise, since even GSM MOU members have admitted that A5/2 was designed with heavy input by intelligence agencies to ensure breakability. Just how insecure is A5/2? It can be broken in real time with a work factor of a mere 16 bits. GSM might just as well use no "voice privacy" algorithm at all.
teraz zauważ, że ten tekst jest z 1999, już wtedy szyfr mógł być łamany in real time.