Quantum in the Cloud - symulator komputera kwantowego [ENG]
Istnieje możliwość przetestowania swojego algorytmu na prawdziwym komputerze kwantowym :)
2 comments CompSci borysses cnotmz.appspot.com 1
Quantum trajectories - Quantum trajectory methods can be used for a wide range of open quantum systems - [ENG]
- to solve the master equation by unraveling the density operator evolution into individual stochastic trajectories in Hilbert space. This C++ class library offers a choice of integration algorithms for three important unravelings of the master equation.
0 comments CompSci borysses rhul.ac.uk 0
Designing Game of Life mosaics with integer programming [ENG]
We use integer programming to design sets of tiles that can be interpreted as still lifes or phoenix patterns in Conway's Game of Life.
0 comments CompSci borysses tandfonline.com 0

Algorytm genetyczny do generowania wybranego obrazka [ENG]
Grow Your Own Picture - tłumaczący podstawowe zasady działania algorytmów genetycznych
0 comments CompSci akerro chriscummins.cc 0

Pentagon zabrał się za tworzenie systemu do wykrywania czołgów
przy pomocy sieci neuronowych
5 comments CompSci akerro strm.pl 0
Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition [ENG]
Multimodal Recurrent Neural Network
0 comments CompSci borysses stanford.edu 0
Hacker's guide to Neural Networks [ENG]
Musings of a Computer Scientist
0 comments CompSci borysses karpathy.github.io 0

Paradigms of AI Programming - książka Petera Norviga w postaci kodu źródłowego do pobrania [ENG]
Takie uczmy się LISP w trakcie poznawania historii AI

CompSci - wątek na dyskusję i zrozumienie tematu czym jest CompSci
i co chcielibyście/my widzieć w tej grupie
3 comments CompSci akerro strm.pl 0
How to implement an algorithm from a scientific paper? [ENG]
This article is a short guide to implementing an algorithm from a scientific paper. I have implemented many complex algorithms from books and scientific
0 comments CompSci akerro codecapsule.com 0
Wprowadzenie do algorytmów genetycznych [ENG]
These pages introduce some fundamentals of genetic algorithms. Pages are intended to be used for learning about genetic algorithms without any previous knowledge from this area. Only some knowledge of computer programming is assumed.
0 comments CompSci akerro obitko.com 0

Crowd-Sourced Sports Coverage - Computerphile [ENG]
Every spectator is a potential camera operator, that's the basis of this research into crowd-sourced event coverage. Dr Martin Flintham explains the idea.
preview 3 comments CompSci borysses youtube.com 1