Ruby is about to get...

Ruby is about to get red hot. Again. [ENG]

Ruby in the browser, thanks to Opal. One of the biggest shifts I’ve seen in the last year or so is towards dynamic front ends – spearheaded by JS frameworks such as Angular and Ember.

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Ruby 2.1.4 Released [ENG]

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Community-driven lis...

Community-driven list of Ruby Interview Questions [ENG]

Know what to ask, know how to answer.

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Ruby 2.1 In Detail

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Ruby Security Have Y...

Ruby Security Have You Not!

Hakiri is a security monitoring web app that allows web developers to monitor their code, Ruby on Rails, gem, and stack versions for CVE, XSS, SQL injection and many other types of vulnerabilities. Ship secure apps with Hakiri!

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How To Build A Ruby...

How To Build A Ruby Gem With Bundler, Test-Driven Development, Travis CI And Coveralls, Oh My!

Ruby is a great language. It was designed to foster happiness and productivity in developers, all the while providing tools that are effective and yet focused on simplicity. One of the tools available to the Rubyist is the RubyGems package manager.

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Video casty na temat...

Video casty na temat rozwoju aplikacji w RoR

Od początku do końca

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A list of deprecated stuff in Ruby - (think)

As APIs evolve it’s inevitable that portions of them will be deprecated. Generally it’s fairly easy to find out what’s deprecated, …

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Unit testing in Ruby - Ruby tutorial - developer Fusion

Kevin Jones explores unit testing in Ruby, and shows how Rails offers extra features.

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Ruby syntax trivia


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Ruby: How to iterate...

Ruby: How to iterate "the right way"

If any of you have written code in the last year that had an explicit loop […], you don’t understand collections.

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Ruby 2.1.0 is released

Ruby 2.1 has many improvements including speedup without severe incompatibilities, faster performance

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