Nadal nie można dodać powiązanych.
Więcej info o The Narrows (EN) -
Zostawiam "powiązane" tutaj, bo inaczej się nie da: - Więcej zdjęć "złych ziem" - Oficjalna strona PN Badlands
Jako uzupełnienie treści dodaję komentarz sulfana (mam nadzieję, że się nie obrazi ;))
"RŻD dysponuje pięcioma takimi pociągami:
- Zdrowie
- Terapeuta Matwiej Mudrow
- Doktor Wojno-Jasienicki - św. Łukasz
- Chirurg Nikołaj Pirogow
- Akademik Fiodor Ugłow"
This koala joey was found abandoned beside a road in Brisbane, Australia last month. Named after the man who discovered him, Raymond was dehydrated and skinny, and weighed just 260g. It is believed his mother was either been hit by a car or was too ill to care for the 2-3-month-old. Initially, carers feared that Raymond wouldn't survive because he weighed so little and wouldn't feed properly.
Julie Zyzniewski, who is looking after him, says: "He had to be coaxed to feed. He was frail and his future was uncertain. Suddenly, one day he decided life wasn't so bad and he has been absolutely powering along ever since..."