※In the event of a fire and the apartment becomes unusable as residence, the guest will be charged US$0.75million for damages.
[如果由您的原因造成火灾,让房间不能使用,我们会索要7500万日元的赔偿。]※Please be careful with fire. We can’t take any responsibility if anything goes wrong with fire troubles. We will charge you all the fees which occur due to any fire accidents.
[我们不会对火灾发生的损害承担一切责任。]※Please DO NOT SMOKE inside the apartment. If you smoke inside the apartment, there will be a penalty fee of 50,000yen.
[请不要在室内抽烟。如果发现抽烟,我们会收罚款日元50000元。]※Please checkout on time.A penalty fee will be charged for late checkout after 30mins from check out time (10mins/1000yen)
[请遵守退房时间。如果超过30分钟时间,我们会每10分钟征收1000元的违约金。]※If you lose or damage keys during your stay, you will be charged 9,000yen for a replacement.
[如果您丢失了钥匙,或者使钥匙不能使用,我们会索要9000日元的赔偿费]※If you lose or damage my pocket WiFi during your stay, you will be charged 25,000yen for a replacement.
[如果您丢失移动wifi路由器,或者使路由器不能使用,我们会索要25000日元的赔偿]※If you check-in earlier than check-in time without notice, you will be charged 5,000yen
[如果您擅自在我们定的时间之前check in,我们会索要5000日元]※If you lie about number of guests, you will be charged double the amount.
[如果您擅自让比预定更多的人入住,我们会索要两倍的房费]※If you lose or damage a pocket WiFi charger (cable, AC adaptor) during your stay, you will be charged 2,000yen for a replacement.
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