W 2012 Wyoming wprowadziło do swojej konstytucji zapis żeby zablokować Obamacare

i teraz ta sama zmiana blokuje wprowadzenie zakazu aborcji.

1 comment USA Deykun strm.pl 0

Sec. 38. Right of health care access.
(a) Each competent adult shall have the right to make his or her own health care decisions. The parent, guardian or legal representative of any other natural person shall have the right to make health care decisions for that person.


Teraz ten zapis zablokował zakaz aborcji. I muszą udowadniać, że aborcja to nie jest "health care".

Owens (Teton County District Court Judge Melissa Owens) added “the state cannot legislate away a constitutional right. It’s not clear if abortion is or isn’t health care, and the court has to then decide that.”

She also told Jay Jerde, a special assistant attorney general for Wyoming who is defending the law for the state, “I’m just still hung up on abortion not being health care,” the Times reported.

“An abortion can only be performed by a licensed medical professional, so what authority does the legislature have to declare that abortion is not health care when our laws only allow a licensed medical professional to administer one?” she asked Jerde during the hearing.


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