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Kółko dla chomika...

...w wersji dla ludzi ...w którym twórcy żyli przez 10 dni. (obrót w powiązanych)

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1978/79 - American Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act is a law that permits secret buggings and wiretaps of individuals

suspected of being agents of a hostile foreign government or international terrorist organization.

0 comments WyciekiNSA akerro archives.gov 2

1976 - Duncan Campbell published an article in Time Out - "The Eavesdroppers" which was a description of GCHQ

Duncan Campbell published an article in Time Out called "The Eavesdroppers" which was a description of what GCHQ was and did. From that time on Campbell published many articles concerning illiegal communication interception done by the secret services.

0 comments WyciekiNSA akerro wikipedia.org 1

1972 - Scope of NSA'...

1972 - Scope of NSA's SIGINT activities was redefined in CI and EI and CS

Scope of NSA's SIGINT activities was redefined in Communication Intelligence and Electronic Intelligence and Communication Security (In the 80s the term changed to Information Security).

1 comment WyciekiNSA akerro wikipedia.org 1

1961 - Establishment...

1961 - Establishment of the National Reconnaissance Office NRO as a joint Air Force and CIA operation

It designs, builds, and operates the spy satellites of the US, and provides satellite intelligence to several government agencies, particularly signals intelligence (SIGINT), imagery intelligence (IMINT), measurement and signature intelligence (MASINT)

0 comments WyciekiNSA akerro wikipedia.org 0

1957 - Official acknowledgement of NSA in the Government Organization Manual

The Manual provides comprehensive information on the agencies of the legislative, judicial, and executive branches, also includes information on quasi-official agencies; international organizations

0 comments WyciekiNSA akerro wikipedia.org 0

1954 - The WS-117L program (for the development of reconnaissance satellites for the AirForce an CIA) was approved by Eisenhower

The WS-117L program (for the development of reconnaissance satellites for the AirForce an CIA) was approved by President Eisenhower. It also included the development of signal intercept equipment within the framework of the project Pioneer Ferret

0 comments WyciekiNSA akerro wikipedia.org 0

1952 - President Tru...

1952 - President Truman sent out a top secret memorandum to abolish the AFSA and to create the National Security Agency NSA

The main focuses lied on: control, coordination, collection and processing of Communication Intelligence. The NSA was considered to be within, but not a part of the Department of Defense.

0 comments WyciekiNSA akerro wikipedia.org 0

1949 - the Armed Forces Security Agency

Establishment of(AFSA) to direct communications intelligence and electronic intelligence activities of the military service signals units (ASA, NSG, AFSS)

0 comments WyciekiNSA akerro wikipedia.org 0

1948 - Formalization...

1948 - Formalization of UKUSA agreement

is a multilateral agreement for cooperation in signals intelligence between the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. The alliance of intelligence operations is also known as Five Eyes

0 comments WyciekiNSA akerro wikipedia.org 0

Murray N. Rothbard,...

Murray N. Rothbard, ekonomista i historyk o państwie i wojnach

Przez wieki Państwo popełniało masowe morderstwa i nazwało je "wojną", potem uszlachetniło tę rzeźnię którą pociąga za sobą wojna. Przez wieki Państwo niewoliło ludzi w swoich armiach i i nazwało to "poborem", w celu "służbie kraju".

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Emperor of The Fadin...

Emperor of The Fading Suns

Jedna z najfajniejszych gier 4x w historii,przygotowana przez studio Holistic Designs. Niestety nie była pozbawiona bugów.Sytuację ratują dwa mody: Hyperion i Emperors Mod które sprawiają że gra daje masę radości.

2 comments StareGry thaom cdosabandonware.com 0

Bojownicy Kachin Ind...

Bojownicy Kachin Independence Army podczas stypy dedykowanej zabitemu dzień wcześniej dowódcy

Birma, 15 marca 2013. Zdjęcie zajęło I miejsce na World Press Photo 2014 w kategorii "Daily Life Single" (życie codzienne, zdjęcie pojedyncze)

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FILMY DOKUMENTALNE. putin prywatnie i nie tylko tuż przed wyborem na trzecią kadencie

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Block 44 - Världen ä...