Jesteś Katolikiem? Masonem? Jehowym? Żydem? Sekciarzem? Ateistą? Muzułmaninem? Agnostykiem?
Joginem? lub Satanistą wdrażającym nowy porządek świata na podstawie treści Protokołów Mędrców Syjonu?
3 comments pasty akerro 0
Prywatne dane użytkowników na celowniku i garść statystyk
Badacze z Uniwersytetu Columbia stworzyli robota sieciowego PlayDrone, który przeanalizował ponad milion aplikacji umieszczonych w sklepie Google Play.
0 comments Android akerro 0
The Race Is On To Build A Raspi Kinect 3D Scanner
can now get depth data from a Kinect sensor with a Raspberry Pi. And with just about every other ARM board out there as well. It’s a kernel driver that’s small, fast, and does just one thing: turns the Kinect into a webcam that displays depth data.
0 comments rapi akerro 0
A Cheat Sheet for HTTP Libraries in C++ [ENG]
Unfortunately, standard C++ library provides no tools for working with HTTP protocol. Therefore, when we want to run some REST
0 comments cpp akerro 0
The Race Is On To Build A Raspi Kinect 3D Scanner
can now get depth data from a Kinect sensor with a Raspberry Pi. And with just about every other ARM board out there as well. It’s a kernel driver that’s small, fast, and does just one thing: turns the Kinect into a webcam that displays depth data.
0 comments rapi akerro 0
Lwów będzie się bronić
Dzień wcześniej prawie bez oporu zdobyto siedziby milicji, prokuratury i służb specjalnych SBU we Lwowie. Spalono milicyjne i prokuratorskie akta, zdewastowano pomieszczenia, a w ręce opozycji dostała się broń.
Features You Will Not Find In Mesa 10.2
Mesa 10.2 will be released very soon and while it does offer a lot of new features within its 1.4 million line code-base, it isn't perfect and lacks some features still being sought after by open-source Linux fans.
0 comments Linux akerro 0
Hacking the Hackers: How FinFisher was Breached [ENG]
I first came across Gamma International on the Enemies of the Internet website: Gamma International offers advanced spyware, which has repeatedly been discovered in countries who mistreat journalis...
0 comments MetaSecurity akerro 0
Najczęstsze 6 niepoprawnie używanych słów w nauce [ENG]
0 comments Nauka akerro 0
Hacking the Hackers: How FinFisher was Breached [ENG]
I first came across Gamma International on the Enemies of the Internet website: Gamma International offers advanced spyware, which has repeatedly been discovered in countries who mistreat journalis...
0 comments MetaSecurity akerro 0
Najczęstsze 6 niepoprawnie używanych słów w nauce [ENG]
0 comments Nauka akerro 0