Router z ruchomymi antenkami [ENG]
Router, który będzie śledził urządzenia korzystające z sieci i ustawiał swoje anteny tak aby zapewnić im lepszy zasięg
1 comment Technology duxet gizmodo.com 0

Fotografia obliczeniowa
Computational photography, fotografia obliczeniowa - co to jest, z czym to jeść i dlaczego smartfony już wyprzedziły lustrzanki?
1 comment Technology zryty_beret informatykzakladowy.pl 0

UK could class loot boxes as gambling to protect children [ENG]
Ministers call for evidence on video games such as Fifa that charge money for rewards
1 comment Technology zryty_beret theguardian.com 0

Project Reunion: Microsoft's attempt to tear down all those barriers it's built for Windows developers over the years [ENG]
Plus: Bye-bye Xamarin Forms, hello Multi-Platform App UI, for when Universal is not universal enough
1 comment Technology zryty_beret theregister.com 0

Hackers infect multiple game developers with advanced malware [ENG]
Never-before-seen PipeMon hit one developer's build system, another's game servers.
0 comments Technology zryty_beret arstechnica.com 0

'Apple Glass' details leaked, will cost $499 and work with prescriptions [ENG]
A prolific leaker has detailed Apple's forthcoming augmented reality glasses, and says that Apple will call them "Apple Glass"
0 comments Technology zryty_beret appleinsider.com 0

iPhone spyware lets police log suspects’ passcodes when cracking doesn’t work [ENG]
A tool, previously unknown to the public, doesn't have to crack the code that people use to unlock their phones. It just has to log the code as the user types it in.
preview 0 comments Technology zryty_beret nbcnews.com 0

Covid-19 has blown apart the myth of Silicon Valley innovation [ENG]
The pandemic shows that the US is no longer much good at coming up with technologies relevant to our most basic needs.
0 comments Technology zryty_beret technologyreview.com 0

Apple plans to sell Macs with its own chips from 2021 [ENG]
Apple Inc plans to sell Mac computers with its own main processors by next year based on the chip designs currently used in its iPhones and iPads
0 comments Technology zryty_beret reuters.com 0

Amazon deploys thermal cameras at warehouses to scan for fevers faster [ENG]
Amazon.com Inc has started to use thermal cameras at its warehouses to speed up screening for feverish workers who could be infected with the coronavirus, employees told Reuters.
0 comments Technology zryty_beret reuters.com 0