Turn your Raspberry Pi into a music player [ENG]
The Raspberry Pi is an ideal candidate to serve you as digital hi-fi music player, in combination with RuneAudio. A bang for the buck in terms of sound quality and versatility.
Godot Engine is now opensource - Kleber
Since the announcement that Godot Engine would be opensource, I was paciently waiting for that. Today that wait was ended: Godot Engine is finally released!
1 comment opensource akerro kleber-swf.com 0
Wydatki rządu USA na urzędy bezpieczeństwa
preview 3 comments pieknodanych akerro martingrandjean.ch 0
Turn your Raspberry Pi into a music player [ENG]
The Raspberry Pi is an ideal candidate to serve you as digital hi-fi music player, in combination with RuneAudio. A bang for the buck in terms of sound quality and versatility.
Godot Engine is now opensource - Kleber
Since the announcement that Godot Engine would be opensource, I was paciently waiting for that. Today that wait was ended: Godot Engine is finally released!
1 comment opensource akerro kleber-swf.com 0
C++11 Neu Framework Released
The Neu Framework is a C++11 framework for creating artificial intelligence applications, compiler construction, and similar tasks.
0 comments SztucznaInteligencja akerro phoronix.com 0
Nadchodzi nowe KDE, można zagłosować jak będzie wyglądało!
KDE system settings are subject of ongoing discussions. In this article we present two alternative interactive prototypes for a possible future of the design. Please vote for the approach you like most.