#travle_usa #103 (3/7) (0 hints)
#travle #289 (5/9) (0 hints)
#travle_usa #103 (3/7) (0 hints)
#travle #289 (4/9) (1 hint)
Pokaż ukrytą treść https://i.imgur.com/TcoWd8H.png co XDD chyba jeszcze bośnia być powinna, a ten że już wygrałem
@sens: a nie, dobra, oni przecież nie mają dostępu do morza i tam jest ten cienki pasek xD ok, zdradliwe
#travle_usa #103 (3/7) (0 hints)
#travle #289 (4/9) (0 hints)
@sens: Island Hopping
Additionally, Travle allows Island Hopping: Jump across (narrow-ish stretches) of water between parts of the same nation, as long as you don't go near any other countries while you do so. There are other cases, for example in the south of Chile, which don't create any connections to new countries and are therefore not listed here.
Island hopping is allowed in the following countries or regions:
Country Explanation
Croatia Southern tip joins with the mainland, hence shares a border w/ Montenegro. There is also a bridge!
Indonesia Jump between islands
Malaysia Jump between islands
Turkey 'Island hopping' over the Bosphorus
United Kingdom Northern Ireland connects with the rest of the UK.