Skoro Leonardo da Vinci był pedałem
to kto był rowerem?
Myśl wysoko, szybuj z orłami
Sięgaj tam gdzie się nie da za lodówką bez odsuwania jej

Kiedy myślisz, że Twój pomysł jest głupi. Przypomnij sobie, że ktoś kiedyś powiedział "zróbmy film o tornadzie porywającym rekiny z oceanu i rozrzucającym je po plażach i mieście".
Pokaż ukrytą treść Twój pomysł nadal jest głupi, ale...
Jeśli dzisiaj zrobisz coś czego inni nie zrobią
jutro będziesz potrafił zrobić coś czego inni nie potrafią

@akerro: Jeśli dzisiaj zabiję się w unikalny sposób, w jaki nikt do tej pory nie pozbawił się życia to co dalej?

A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it. Fifteen hundred years ago everybody knew the Earth was the center of the universe. Five hundred years ago, everybody knew the Earth was flat, and fifteen minutes ago, you knew that humans were alone on this planet. Imagine what you'll know tomorrow.

Human beings are scary.
We breathe a corrosive gas, drink one of the most potent solvents. Our preferred method of hunting was persistence hunting, where we chased animals until their body simply gave up and died. We can eat just about anything we find, which means that we don't need to stop for food when chasing our prey. If we can't find food, that's fine. Our body will simply begin to eat itself so that we don't have to stop chasing our prey. We walk upright, we sweat, we don't have much body hair, which allows us to radiate away our body heat. This means that excessive time or extreme environment wont stop our hunts. If the animal fights back against us, we can take massive damage to our extremities and lose half our blood and still live. Our entire existence is owed to persistence, endurance, and determination. When we put ourselves to a task, it gets done, period. And this instinct is still affecting us today.
332BC: Alexander the Great hits a stalemate with the fortified island city of Tyre. Instead of going back defeated, he builds a kilometer long bridge in order to raze the city.
49BC: Cesar, after defeating the Gauls and invading Britain, turns a political fight into a civil war by invading Italy with only a single legion. He eventually becomes dictator starting a world superpower whose engineering feats are only recently being broken.
1804AD: A charismatic French general declares himself Emperor and sets off to conquer much of mainland Europe. He is captured, exiled, and then escapes. The soldiers sent to recapture him instead lay down their arms and join him.
1961AD: One man decides that we will go to the moon, despite much of the technology to do so not even existing yet. Just eight years later, two humans stand on the surface of the moon and look back upon the Earth. 200 years ago, we didn't have railroads. 100 years ago, we didn't have airplanes. 50 years ago, we didn't have spaceflight. 25 years ago we didn't have the Internet.
We've already inherited the Earth and soon we WILL inherit the stars and anyone or anything that stands in our way will be eliminated one way or another."

dude – love this article. climbing mountains is hard. Most people walk on paved roads in the valley below. Climbing mountains is even harder when the peak is clouded out, you are doing the first ascent, and you don’t know the route to the top (or if a route to the top exists!). The only thing that can get you through it is a strong team that is ready for some pain & knows the journey is the destination. Feel the burn brother