Poland's Surveillanc...

Poland's Surveillance Programs Could Be Worse than the NSA

The Panoptykon Foundation, which defends against surveillance, says the country's data retention programs go beyond the rest of Europe's.

1 comment Prywatnosc akerro vice.com 0

Kot z laserem na gło...

Kot z laserem na głowie [ENG]

I taped laser pointer to my cat's head. He was chasing it for over an hour. Here is a little taste. No cat was harmed during making of this video.

preview 8 comments Humor akerro youtube.com 0

Poland's Surveillanc...

Poland's Surveillance Programs Could Be Worse than the NSA

The Panoptykon Foundation, which defends against surveillance, says the country's data retention programs go beyond the rest of Europe's.

1 comment Prywatnosc akerro vice.com 0

Kot z laserem na gło...

Kot z laserem na głowie [ENG]

I taped laser pointer to my cat's head. He was chasing it for over an hour. Here is a little taste. No cat was harmed during making of this video.

preview 8 comments Humor akerro youtube.com 0



ZNACZENIE: Wym. [akutremą]; inaczej rynsztunek. UŻYCIE: Accoutrement może dotyczyć wojaka, ale też malarza, architekta czy policjanta.

0 comments SłowoDnia akerro wordpress.com 0

[Multi] Zadania do zaprogramowania w wielu językach [ENG]

Java, Android, C++, C#, AJAX, PHP, JS, Ruby, Flash, jQuery, SQL, iOS, J2EE, AngularJS i wiele innych

0 comments KursProgramowania akerro programmr.com 0

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